05 July 2013


It's been awhile. Well hello there buddies! I've left this blog for so long. HAHA. Last Tuesday, our school buat English Drama for form4 students. Semua kelas WAJIB join. Well we enjoyed every single time together. Oh my, I miss those things so badly. Hmm, tgk lah muke2 happy baru lepas perform drama 
"He Had Such A Quiet Eye".

Actor and actresses :
1. Sara - Azizah (heroin) Victim 2
2. Amir Mus - Sazali (player)
3. Ikhmal - Sarip Dol
4. Izzat - Father
5. Ika - Mother
6. Sofia - Waitress
7. Arif - Doctor
8. Izzati - Nurse
9. Iylia - Inspector
10. Hilmi - Policeman
11. Amalina - Victim 3
12. Aishah - Victim 1 
13. Qusye & Bob - Doctor attendants
14. Farhanah (Aku) - Singer
15. Fitrah - Narrator
16. Puthek - errrr... idk. hahaha role model?

yeah and semestinya yg lain tu crew2 4Gigih :) The story is about this one player sudah rape 1 girl which is, victim 1. Jahat lagi dayus ini jantan. Haha. Then there's a beautiful and poor girl name Azizah. Sazali found her di suatu tmpat when die nk pergi kedai. Azizah dlm ksdihan sbb xdpt bantu ayah die dlm keadaan yg xbrape sihat tu. HAHA ayah nye xleh bla~ Then Sazali buat2 lah yeee nk cube tlg Azizah nie slagi die mampu. Ended up with berkasih syg 2 org nie. Then tibe2 si ayah nie mninggal. Hmm hmmm.. Azizah got a call from her mom, then terus call Sazali nie nk gtau tntang ayah die yg sudah kembali ke rahmatullah. HAHAHAHAA. Si ayah tgh2 mati tu smpat lagi snyum. Yelah kn, mati dlm iman katenye. "There's no train by this time" kate Sazali kpd Azizah yg mulai resah tntang ayahanda nye. HAHA. Ape lagi, Sazali take advantage la. Bg ubat ape nth dlm air yg mrupakan BOLA PINGPONG

Then bg kt Azizah. Azizah pening, masuk bilik, waduh3. Nie part yg ditunggu2. Azizah kene rape dgn jantan nie haaa. Then lagu "Unfaithful" dinyanyikan oleh AKU SENDIRI. HAHAHAHAHA -..- Then Azizah kluar di tepi bngunan lah kononnye,
nk bunuh diri. Then kwn die, victim 1 halang and blablabla nasihat, berpelukanlah mereka dgn perut si victim 1 nie makin bsar. Ade baby katenye (tuala) hahaha. Then scene nie tamat. Terus kpd seterusnye, victim 3. yeah, dlm proses nk ngorat. Tapi xbrjaya sbb POLIS dtg "Sazali bin Hassan, you are under arrest!"

Scene nie paling lawak mgkin. HAHA. Thanks to them laaa. Iylia, sbgai inspektor terangkan knp die dtgkap "You have raped TWO GIRLS" lalala. Then victim 3 nie, said "WHAT?? RAPE?? TWO?? (tunjuk jari 2)" pangg!! pelempang atas muka. "DAMN YOU SAZALI!" panggg!! skali lagi. Then dlm Sazali nk terang2 and ignore tu, Sarip Dol plk amik role "How dare you Sazali" bushh!! kene sepak terajang. Then dtg plk victim 1 ngn anak dlm kandungan "This is for me! This is for my baby! This is for you!" pangg pangg pangg! Lebih kurg la ayat gtu. Then dtg si Azizah again. Tmpar laa si Sazali nie 2 kali. Terus tercabut cermin mata Sazali tuu. and.. LET'S ENJOY! The end. fuhh letih woiiii~

P/S : hey guys, we won first place for this drama competition. We also won the best actress which is my friend, Sara. She is our main actress.

That's all she wrote.


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